This topic has far reaching consequences on the make up of the teams. During the selection process it is often regarded that the best makeup is to put together people that have worked together before and/or have compatible personalities. This is not the case in nature.
If we compare natural system to human made systems that are in use today, nature have several advantages. They are not rigid systems and have embedded chaotic regimes that are used to push the system to evolve beyond the starting parameters. This chaotic element in human made systems for analysis (Teams) can be viewed as a Specific Performance Challenge. But in my opinion it is not enough.
To fulfill the requirements needed individuals in the group have to evolve their skill of acquire new ones. Sense of pride and accomplishment will bring exhilaration to the individual. Sir John Eccles said it best when he summed up the “free will”. Everybody assumes they have it and that they can control their actions, “The controversially of consciousness and free-will in science stems from their supposed inconsistency with causal scientific description”.
Every stable closed system will develop its own chaotic regime which can not be predicted and can have far greater consequences on the whole that popularly believed, a.k.a. the “butterfly effect”. By making a team of people that have predictable personalities it is impossible to predict the outcome. Ben Goertzel views the brain as "high dimensional dynamics with underlying low-dimensional chaos. There is, admittedly, some evidence for this view: mood cycles, nostril cycles and EEG patterns demonstrate low dimensional chaotic attractors”
My opinion is that by introducing an unstable element in the team, the emergence of chaos can be observed and controlled indirectly with primus at a given time in the team. Unstable element in a team has been avoided in the practice of team creation but it is my opinion that it has been neglected. Such element could give the team the edge it needs in accomplishing the goal faster and quicker if controlled correctly.
This could best be controlled in larger groups. Smaller groups are not as much under the influence of chaotic regimes as larger because of the level of interaction between the members of a group which is far higher that that of a large group. This enables small groups to smooth out any discrepancy by mere communication.
For such a control to be implemented group or a team should have a leader at any given time, preferably a primus as he is selected from the group and is trusted by the group. It would however not be applicable to extremely large groups or crowds.
This is a very wide topic and this is why a professional counselor should be hired for the duration of team creation.
Mind and Brain, Chaos and Quantum Mechanics
The crowd, A study of the popular mind, By Gustave le bon {b. May 7, 1841--d. Dec 13, 1931}
Chaotic Logic: Language, Mind and Reality from the Perspective of Complex Systems Science, by Ben Goertzel
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